El pájaro gruñón (Grumpy Bird)
by Jeremy Tankard- Item #3407 in
- Grades: PreK - 1
- Ages: 4 - 6
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Bird wakes up feeling grumpy. Too grumpy to eat or play — too grumpy even to fly. "Looks like I'm walking today," says Bird. He walks past Sheep, who offers to keep him company. He walks past Rabbit, who also could use a walk. Raccoon, Beaver, and Fox join in, too.
Before he knows it, a little exercise and companionship help Bird shake his bad mood. This winsome, refreshingly original picture book is sure to help kids (and grown-ups) giggle away theirs, too!
Product Details
https://unitedstatesofreaders.scholastic.com/el-p%C3%A1jaro-gru%C3%B1%C3%B3n-%28grumpy-bird%29/9780545247320-rco-us.htmlAlso Read . . .
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Product Details
- Grades: PreK - 1
- Ages: 4 - 6
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 32 pages
- Dimensions: 9" x 9"
- Language: Spanish
- Skills: Feelings & Emotions, Making Friends
- Subject & Themes: Friendship, Emotions & Feelings, Birds, Animals
- ISBN 13: 978-0-545-24732-0