How the Crayons Saved the Earth
by Monica Sweeney illustrated by Wendy Leach- Item #32C8 in Preschool-1st Grade April
- Grades: PreK - 1
- Ages: 3 - 6
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Pollution is harming our big blue planet, but seven special crayons are ready to help with teamwork and determination!
Pollution is harming our big blue planet, but seven special crayons are ready to help with teamwork and determination!
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- How the Crayons Saved...Pack
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Something is happening to the planet! Pollution is making it hard for plants to grow, for animals to play, and for oceans to stay clean. But what can anyone do about it? On a yucky, smoggy day, a box of seven special crayons steps up to help! These peppy crayons are on another adventure to bring friendship, teamwork, and thoughtfulness to the world—but this time, it’s the world that needs help. With their unique personalities, quirky attitudes, and stick-to-itiveness, this rainbow of friends puts their heads and hearts together to find a way to save the earth.
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Product Details
- Grades: PreK - 1
- Ages: 3 - 6
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 32 pages
- Dimensions: 9" x 9"
- Language: English
- Subject & Themes: Protecting Our Environment, Earth Day, Teamwork, Determination & Perseverance
- ISBN 13: 978-1-339-00780-9