I Am a Great Friend!
by Lauren Stohler- Item #166988 in
- Grades: PreK - 2
- Ages: 4 - 8
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Baby Capybara is a great friend. After all, no one else can create obstacle courses, follow treasure maps, or make perfect mud pies. So why is he the only capybara without a beautiful bevy of birds perched on his back? He tries to be more like the other capybaras: he floats calmly, he naps quietly, and he even chews slowly—still no flock!
Baby Capybara is a great friend. After all, no one else can create obstacle courses, follow treasure maps, or make perfect mud pies. So why is he the only capybara without a beautiful bevy of birds perched on his back? He tries to be more like the other capybaras: he floats calmly, he naps quietly, and he even chews slowly—still no flock!
Product Details
https://unitedstatesofreaders.scholastic.com/i-am-a-great-friend%21/9781546126973-rco-us.htmlAlso Read . . .
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Product Details
- Grades: PreK - 2
- Ages: 4 - 8
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 48 pages
- Dimensions: 8" x 10"
- Language: English
- Skills: Making Friends
- Subject & Themes: Friendship, Animals, Individuality
- Genre: Humor & Funny Stories
- ISBN 13: 978-1-546-12697-3