If You Give a Moose a Muffin
by Laura Numeroff illustrated by Felicia Bond- Item #39C8 in Preschool-1st Grade April
- Grades: PreK - K
- Ages: 3 - 6
- Series: If You Give a…
- Format: Paperback Book
Cause and effect have never been so funny, and children will get the giggles at the endless wishes of this needy moose!
Product Details
https://unitedstatesofreaders.scholastic.com/if-you-give-a-moose-a-muffin/9780590455084-rco-us.html- Also Available in Value Pack:
- If You Give...Pack
- If You Give...Moose and Mouse Pack
About this Series
What happens when a kid meets a friendly animal who's also a bit demanding? Kid and critter travel far and wide as each idea prompts a bigger and bolder request.A pig asking a girl for a pancake is reasonable enough, but then off they go from the kitchen to the bathtub to the backyard! A cupcake for a cat seems like no big deal, until it leads to a beachside jaunt. But no matter how big of an adventure each duo has, they always manage to end up exactly where they started!
With delightfully detailed illustrations that bring joy to the simply worded text, this series of circular tales are excellent choices for read-alouds, and also for discussing cause and effect. And as each animal's demands become sillier and more exhausting, children will enjoy each increasingly hilarious situation while adults will delight in watching the kids in the stories end up in the role of "grown-up."
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Product Details
- Grades: PreK - K
- Ages: 3 - 6
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 32 pages
- Dimensions: 8" x 9"
- Language: English
- Subject & Themes: Animals, Imagination & Play
- Genre: Humor & Funny Stories
- ISBN 13: 978-0-590-45508-4