Multiplication & Division Number Bond Activity Cards (80 cards)
- Item #158028 in
- Grades: 3 - 5
- Ages: 8 - 10
- Format: Learning Activity
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Short Summary
Better than traditional flash cards, these easy-to-read number bond activity cards will help students in grades 3–5 practice multiplication and division while increasing their number sense.
Includes 80 5" x 5" two-sided activity cards with answers on the flip side.
Better than traditional flash cards, these easy-to-read number bond activity cards will help students in grades 3–5 practice multiplication and division while increasing their number sense.
Includes 80 5" x 5" two-sided activity cards with answers on the flip side.
Product Details
Take students beyond just practicing math facts. Students can work with these 5" x 5" activity cards to build fluency and gain number sense. Teachers can use the cards with groups, pairs, or individuals. Answers are on the flip side of the card, so it’s easy for students to check their own or each other’s work. On level for third, fourth, and fifth grade math students.
Includes 80 5" x 5" two-sided activity cards with answers on the flip side.
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Includes 80 5" x 5" two-sided activity cards with answers on the flip side.
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Product Details
- Grades: 3 - 5
- Ages: 8 - 10
- Product Type: Games, Gadgets & More
- Language: English
- Subject & Themes: Multiplication & Division, Math
- ISBN 13: 626648