National Geographic Kids™: Los delfines (Dolphins)
by Melissa Stewart- Item #172846 in
- Grades: 1 - 2
- Ages: 6 - 8
- Series: National Geographic Readers
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Join these smart ocean creatures in their amazing adventures and learn how their adaptations help them eat, grow, and have fun underwater.
Acompaña a estos inteligentes animales marinos en sus increíbles aventuras y aprende cómo sus adaptaciones les sirven para comer, crecer y divertirse bajo el agua.
Join these smart ocean creatures in their amazing adventures and learn how their adaptations help them eat, grow, and have fun underwater.
Acompaña a estos inteligentes animales marinos en sus increíbles aventuras y aprende cómo sus adaptaciones les sirven para comer, crecer y divertirse bajo el agua.
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Product Details
- Grades: 1 - 2
- Ages: 6 - 8
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 32 pages
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- Language: Spanish
- Subject & Themes: Ocean Animals
- Genre: Informative Nonfiction
- ISBN 13: 978-1-338-59897-1