by Roald Dahl illustrated by Quentin Blake- Item #49I7 in
- Grades: 3 - 6
- Ages: 8 - 12
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Full of lively language and fanciful exaggeration, this delightfully eccentric fantasy turns an orphan into a hero and a monster into a friend.
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Full of lively language and fanciful exaggeration, this delightfully eccentric fantasy turns an orphan into a hero and a monster into a friend.
While supplies last.
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- Classroom Library: Grade 5
Sophie discovers that giants really do exist one night when the humongous hand of the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) plucks her from her bed. At first she's frightened, but she soon discovers that despite his enormous proportions and disgusting diet of snozzcumbers, the BFG is really just a big sweetheart. In fact, he catches and mixes lovely golden dreams, then blows them through the windows of sleeping children around the world.
Unfortunately, Sophie also discovers that not all giants are as friendly as the BFG—some even like to eat human children! Sophie and the BFG come up with an ingenious plot—and set out to save the world's kids from the not-so-friendly giants!
In this fast-paced and memorable classic, Dahl creates a wonderfully detailed, uniquely imagined world where fantasy and reality mix and mingle.
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Unfortunately, Sophie also discovers that not all giants are as friendly as the BFG—some even like to eat human children! Sophie and the BFG come up with an ingenious plot—and set out to save the world's kids from the not-so-friendly giants!
In this fast-paced and memorable classic, Dahl creates a wonderfully detailed, uniquely imagined world where fantasy and reality mix and mingle.
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Product Details
- Grades: 3 - 6
- Ages: 8 - 12
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 208 pages
- Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
- Language: English
- Subject & Themes: Friendship, Monsters & Ghosts, Kindness
- Genre: Fantasy, Humor & Funny Stories
- ISBN 13: 978-0-439-38786-6