Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
by J.K. Rowling illustrated by Mary GrandPré, cover by Brian Selznick- Grades: 3 - 7
- Ages: 8 - 13
- Series: Harry Potter
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Harry prepares a special group of students to defend the school against a rising tide of evil—including the terrifyingly cruel new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
Good For:
Heroic Young Wizard to Love & Cheer For, Effortless Mix of Humor & Suspense, Dazzling Magical Imagination, Spot-On Look at School & Friendship, Big Questions About Responsibility & Leadership, Worldwide Fantasy Bestseller
Topics and Themes:
Exams, School Life, Teamwork, Fight Between Good & Evil, Friendship, Romance, Teachers & Students, Secret Societies, Political Resistance, Propaganda
Harry prepares a special group of students to defend the school against a rising tide of evil—including the terrifyingly cruel new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
Good For:
Heroic Young Wizard to Love & Cheer For, Effortless Mix of Humor & Suspense, Dazzling Magical Imagination, Spot-On Look at School & Friendship, Big Questions About Responsibility & Leadership, Worldwide Fantasy Bestseller
Topics and Themes:
Exams, School Life, Teamwork, Fight Between Good & Evil, Friendship, Romance, Teachers & Students, Secret Societies, Political Resistance, Propaganda
Product Details
https://unitedstatesofreaders.scholastic.com/harry-potter-and-the-order-of-the-phoenix/9781338299182-C-rco-us.html- Also Available in Value Pack:
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
It’s official: the evil Lord Voldemort has returned. His influence is suddenly everywhere in the wizarding world, and his former allies, the Death Eaters, are returning to his side in droves. In response, the Order of the Phoenix, which worked to stop him during his last rise to power, has reconvened.
This time, all of the adults Harry trusts have joined. And even though Harry is at the center of many of their plans—Voldemort is intent on killing him, after all—they want so badly to protect him that they are keeping him completely out of the loop. Problems are cropping up at Hogwarts too—where government officials are meddling in just about everything. And just because Voldemort and the Death Eaters are threatening open warfare does not mean that fifth-year students get out of their exams.
Meanwhile, Harry’s powerful connection to Voldemort seems to be growing even stronger, as he realizes that he has direct access to the Dark Lord’s mind. It’s time for Harry and his friends to take drastic action, but the course they choose will have terrible unforeseen consequences. Truly dangerous times have arrived in the fifth Harry Potter novel, but it never loses its trademark fun, excitement, and wonder over the possibilities of magic.
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This time, all of the adults Harry trusts have joined. And even though Harry is at the center of many of their plans—Voldemort is intent on killing him, after all—they want so badly to protect him that they are keeping him completely out of the loop. Problems are cropping up at Hogwarts too—where government officials are meddling in just about everything. And just because Voldemort and the Death Eaters are threatening open warfare does not mean that fifth-year students get out of their exams.
Meanwhile, Harry’s powerful connection to Voldemort seems to be growing even stronger, as he realizes that he has direct access to the Dark Lord’s mind. It’s time for Harry and his friends to take drastic action, but the course they choose will have terrible unforeseen consequences. Truly dangerous times have arrived in the fifth Harry Potter novel, but it never loses its trademark fun, excitement, and wonder over the possibilities of magic.
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Product Details
- Grades: 3 - 7
- Ages: 8 - 13
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 912 pages
- Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 8"
- Language: English
- Subject & Themes: Magic, Powers & Gifts, Friendship
- Genre: Fantasy
- ISBN 13: 978-1-338-29918-2